Friday, June 25, 2010

Alright! So it's been over 7 months almost 8 months since all of us have started this journey together! Can you believe that! I know we are all getting antsy to move on with the next step. Some of yall are about to PCS to your first duty station in the next month or two, others are living on base as a family again, and I'm just waiting for Curt to come home again. I know I have the easy end of the stick being National Guardsman's wife. I'm not preparing to move, I don't have to worry about leaving my family behind, and I don't have to worry about finding another job somewhere else. I do feel for all my girls though. I'm here if you need me!

It seems lately every morning I turn on the TV and I see something about the war in Afghanistan/Iraq. I mean I'm used to hearing about it and seeing stories on it, but these stories have been different. I walked into the living room this morning to go turn off the TV and they are showing a company from the Marines fighting the Taliban. Now I try to stay away from seeing anything like this because all I see are men yelling at each other, bullets flying everywhere and this is when it hits that what they are doing isn't just playing a video game. It's just nerve racking!

The other day I was listening to CMT in the morning where they just play country songs all morning and a song came on and as I walked into the room there was a mom sitting there on the tv talking, kind of narrating the song. She said the her and her husband never hid anything from the kids, and as the soldiers in a black vehicle came up to the door they just screamed. And the song goes on to say you'll never be gone... I need to find what song that was and who it's by. I honestly never want to hear that song again!

I don't know about you, but ever since I've joined this life just seeing things like that make my heart sad and heavy. I know God has a plan for each and everyone of us, but my heart just goes out to all of those women and children and families who have to experience that. It's a reality that that really could be me one day.

Sorry for the sad post, but it was just something that was weighing on my heart.

On a better note...Curt comes home in less than 2 months!!!! I so can't wait to go back to normal life and have him home to help me around the house and just have someone to share my life with again. I feel so lucky to be able to experience love like this. Not everyone is blessed with being able to share this kind of love with someone else and I wouldn't trade him for anything! Well it's back to work for now! I'll catch up with yall again soon!


  1. T~ I totally know how you feel! It's a completely different feeling I get now when I hear news of the War (which is why I try to avoid it as much as I can also) or hear of songs or movies or real life stories of family dying over there!! Only God knows what our future holds, and He always gives the grace we need just when we need it, but oh how I already pray that our family will not suffer that loss!

  2. I wanted to comment and let you know that I found your blog through the annoyed army wife and I think y'all have a fabulous idea here! I'm excited to read more and get to "know" you ladies!

    Also, feel free to stop on by and check me out:

  3. Wow T~ I don't know if I could handle hearing that song... I am so glad that Curt will be home in two months, that is wonderful news!! You are so strong for doing what you have been doing for these past 7 months. All the driving back and forth each weekend and now that he is able to come home on weekends I couldn't be happier for you!
